Friday, November 4, 2011

The Plastic Cup Challenge!

 I have hundreds of tiny plastic cups.

A big box with these old cups were at my husband's work and were about to be thrown away when my husband said, "Wait!  My wife will figure out something crafty to do with these!"

The box has been in our garage for the last 4 weeks and I decided earlier that TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!  I will figure out something to do with these cups!
Tri-Shade Garland Lights!

I must still be in "lamp shade mode" because my thoughts turned to making little chandeliers or tri-shades.  Since Christmas is coming and I want to decorate the house, I figured these tri-shades over Christmas lights would be perfect!

I still have left-over fabric from several other projects and hot glue, so basically
anything is possible, right?

Here's the process:

I cut my fabric in little rectangles (4 of them) instead
of doing a perfect pattern to cover the whole cup.
I used a glue stick to attached the pieces around the cup.


I made 3 of them to make a tri-shade.

I attached the 3 with hot glue both at the top and bottom.

I used several different fabrics.

After the tri-shades were finished, I pushed the little white light through
the center of each tri-shade.    I added a red bow on the top of
the white light.

I love the look of all the fabrics together with the consistency
of the red bow on top to tie it all together!

I also like the look of all one fabric on every other light.

I love these!  Can't wait to start decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving!