Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trash 2 Treasure - The Ugly Lamp Make-Over

It was an ugly pink and gold lamp.

My friend saw it on the side of the road with a sign that said "free" on it. She knows how much I like free stuff and how I like to decorate things, so she made me keep it! "Gotta come up with a great idea to transform it!"  I decided to get some help from friends on facebook and Pinterest!  Here's the post:

Ok, Pinterest friends and other creative friends, I have a challenge for you! My friend, Jill Loya, found this free pink lamp on the side of the road and gave it to me! I want to transform it from ugly pinkish-mauve/gold 80's lamp into something beautiful! Help me with your ideas!! Post your idea and even links and if I use your idea, I will send you a SB card! Ready, Set, Go!!!

I got some great ideas and links for its transformation.   My friend Tammy Lindstrom who knows me well gave me a great place to start, enticing me with a cute black and white colored lamp shade.  I decided to go with it as my inspiration!  

Here's my lamp's transformation process from ugly 80's to a modern beauty!
I started by removing the long pink
 plastic strip that wrapped around the
base of the shade. 

I decided to go with the same idea of wrapping
 a long strip of fabric around the base.  Since I had
short pieces, I hot glued the strips together.

After the wrapping of the strip was
complete, I added a black trim with
hot glue to the top and bottom
of the shade.

I made flowers out of fabric that I twisted
around and hot glued to the shade.

Then came the work on the base of the lamp.
 I took it apart and realized that I would not be
able to take it completely off of the cord. 

I did my best to tape of the cord with masking
 tape and cover areas with newspaper while
I spray painted others.  I chose white for the top
and bottom of the base.
I chose black for the middle of the base.

The end result!  A beautiful black and white lamp that matches the decor in my house!
What a fun challenge!

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